Jamia Mahzarul Uloom Waqaria Madaria
Needy students get education in this Madarsa. Kindly help them to continue their studies through donations. If interested, please contact +91-7753920114
Connect with us at +91-7753920114
Our Services
Jalsa is conducted in Makanpur shareef on 17th of every month according to Hijri calendar
Chadar Poshi of Madarul Alameen Dargah and Halqa-e-zikr takes place on 29th of every month according to islamic/Hijri calendar
Kindly help needy children with the ZAKAT / SADQAH for their studies in Jamia Mahzarul Uloom Jamia Waqaria. To help, please contact +91-7753920114
We conduct Chadar poshi and phool poshi. To participate, please contact us on +91-7753920114
Hazrat Sayed Badiuddin Qutbul Madar was born in the Halab city of Shaam (now known as Syria). The Halab city is famous and holy in Syria. It is said that once there was a hill where now exists a fort. It is on this hill that Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him) had milked his goats and this process of milking in arabic is known as Halab, …
When Hazrat Sayed Zinda Shah Madar (RA) reached India and as he got down the shore from the ship, he was surprised to see an old man waiting for him there, who wished Salaam to him with his name. On asking how do you know me ? .. the person replied, “there is no one that doesn’t know you, in some time the whole world will be knowing you”. And he requested him to follow …

Jamia Mahzarul Uloom Waqaria Madaria
Needy students get education in this Madarsa. Kindly help them to continue their study by donations. If interested, please contact +91-7860105441